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The Commission adopted its flagship initiative on cancer

The Commission adopted its flagship initiative on cancer following several COVID-19 induced delays. It sets out a new EU approach to cancer prevention, treatment and care, aiming to align the EU's policies to effectively combat cancer. Europe's Beating Cancer Plan is to be supported by actions across several policy areas from employment, education, social policy and equality, through marketing, agriculture, energy, the environment and climate, to transport, cohesion policy, and taxation. The Cancer Plan is structured around the following key areas:

(a) prevention,

(b) early detection,

(c) diagnosis and treatment, and

(d) quality of life. The Communication is accompanied by an Annex which lists the 42 actions to be implemented under the plan.

These actions include a revision of the product and directives of tobacco.

A new action plan on childhood obesity, proposing a Council Recommendation on vaccine-preventable cancers, updating the Council Recommendation on cancer screening, and fostering EU cooperation to improve the cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. Please view flagship initiative

Plans to reduce and stop cancer

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